lunes, 12 de enero de 2009

William Ockham

William Ockham -

William Ockham was a Franciscan friar and English philosopher who helped mankind, with their works and thoughts.
Made a major contribution to science and modern intellectual culture is the principle of parsimony in explaining and building theories, which became known as Ockham knife, the knife of Ockham was based on the following: the reference to a kind of reasoning based on a simple premise: equal the simplest solution is probably correct.
Following the knife Ockham, the reason was a necessary foundation for people's lives, it was as if marking a law.
Their thoughts:
Occam's position taken on the topic of the relationship between reason and faith and not involve the distinction between them and the granting to each of a particular application, such as Saint Thomas had argued, but its radical distinction and independence. The reason is no longer in the service of faith and the faith needed to clarify the reason of its own dictates. Faith depends strictly on disclosure, the reason has nothing to say, has nothing to add or remove anything to clarify to the divine word. The reason for its part, being a power granted by God to man, in order for this world, has nothing to take to the faith has to resort to natural and other powers exclusively with them to acquire knowledge possible life more perfect man.


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