jueves, 31 de mayo de 2007

saint valentine

Saint Valentine refers to one of several martyred saints of ancient Rome. The feast of Saint Valentine was formerly celebrated on february 14 by the Roman Catholic Church until a revised calendar was issued in 1969, pursuant to the Second Vatican Council.His feast day is July 30 in the Eastern Orthodox Church.
His birth date and birthplace are unknown. Valentine's name does not occur in the earliest list of Roman martyrs, which was compiled by the Chronographer of 354.
The feast of St. Valentine was first decreed in 496 by Pope Gelasius I, who included Valentine among those (" whose names are justly reverenced among men, but whose acts are known only to God.") As Gelasius implied, nothing is known about the lives of any of these martyrs.

4 comentarios:

Leonor dijo...

Hello Carlos!

How are you? I am fine.

Well, I want say you that your blog is very good, your entries are very interestings and your photos are goods.

Your video of Mallrats is a little strange, hahaha.

Well Carlos, I like your blog a lot.

Kisses! xD

I Love you Sakerliuos !

Sophiiiiiiie. dijo...

Hi CarLooss!
WeLL i hope you are as good as mee!!

I wanted to say you that my opinion og your blog is really good, but i think that you have to put more colors in your entries, and add a clock or a pet too. All the rst is excellent.
WeLL Sataa this summer we're going to have a great time

Lovaa iaa! xDd Loots of kissess!

LuCaS dijo...

You have a very good blog, and I really like youre blog... good luck in this evaluation, and thank you for the coment...=)

¡tatiana! dijo...

Hi CarliuoS!
I'm Tatiana..

I was visiting the blogs of the people of the class, and I decided write a comment to you.

Because I think that your blog is very nice.
I like your entries, the text & the photos..
And as Leo has say, the video of Mallrats is strange, Loool! =D!

Ok, Carlos..
I must to go.

I Love You*