lunes, 8 de junio de 2009

Christine, stephen king

christine -

Arnold Cuninngham is a loser. Eyewear giant dreadful acne, skinny ... However, despite being the target of many jokes, Arnie has a friend, Denis, who played on the football team at school.
Some evening, while traveling in the car of Denis, Arnie is a waste model Plymouth Fury, the 1957 red and white poster with a "sell." Although the car is practically in ruins, Arnie buys it and brings it to a garage to fix it, since his parents forbid him to have it at home after a heavy discussion.
Gradually, Denis starting to see some changes in Arnie: acne disappears, now uses lenses ... But is also obsessed with his new car, do not speak of anything else. Constantly working and able to restore it and get it running. Arnie also meets a very pretty girl, Leigh, and start dating.
One night, the bullies of the school entering the garage and destroyed the car almost completely. Arnie is shattered. Shortly after beginning to register a number of deaths in road accidents, with the peculiarity that almost all victims bothered to Arnie at some point. Denis finally comes to the incredible truth: "Christine" is alive, it has to Denis Leigh, and she also confesses that he knew it. With a fracture, finally faced with the car, mounted on a machine works. The destroyed, while many miles away, Arnie and his mother die in a car accident, and Arnie's father is killed by Christine just before they can destroy and Leigh Denis.

Imformation about Stephen King
Stephen Edwin King (Portland, Maine, September 21, 1947) is an American writer known for his horror novels. King's books have been very often in the list of blockbusters. In 2003 he received the National Book Award for his career and contribution to American letters, which was awarded by the National Book Foundation.

this book is my favorite because I love horror stories.
It's a ver good book worth reading.
And stephen king is a great horror writet, he is my favorite writer.

online games

Online games, are games where multiple people are involved, all at the same time from different computers. Thus transformed into a virtual battle between the competitors, in real time over a network, as we shall see later. Most online games are about war and commands between the characters that the participants choose. Similarly, there are other games online, they are less violent, but these do no attract large audiences. Now , you can play with or without the internet online games. Because if there is no connection, well, you can play in a local area network, with the number of connections required. Therefore, only the required equipment or hardware and that the same system, is networked. Furthermore, we have online games, which are perform trough the internet. These last games are the most used, since they can competed with anyone that connects to the server. So if a people is connected in the united states and china in the same game server, well, these two individuals and many others may share the same level. Today, many of the most popular online games that are purchased must carry a key for the Internet. However, this only gives a limited time to enter a network and play with other contenders. After that, you must pay each time you want to play online. Obviously, this situation changes, if you want to play in a local area network. There are game rooms with lots of computers connected to the line items for mass, and in these cases, you pay only for the time you want to play. However, as mentioned above, what most excites the fans of online fames is playing online with strangers from other countries.

First person who saw the online games

During the 1990s, online games started to move from a wide variety of LAN protocols and onto the Internet using the TCP/IP protocol. Doom popularized the concept of deathmatch, where multiple players battle each other head-to-head, as a new form of online game. Since Doom, many first-person shooter games contain online components to allow deathmatch or arena style play.

History of online games

The first commercial video game that came out was the famous Pong, which appeared in the 80s in a recreation room in California. From Pong, video games have undergone a continuous evolution to get to the sophisticated machines close to virtual reality that we see now in many recreational rooms.

The possibility of using a computer to play on networks started around 1979 when a group of students from the University of Essex created a computer version of a multiplayer role-playing game called Dungeons and Dragons, based on the use of alphanumeric text. Thus, emerged a new kind of games known as MUDs (Multi-User Dungeons or Domains) that will run quickly through the little-known Internet, and emerging the first virtual communities.
However, the real revolution of online games came in 1993 with the creation of the World Wide Web. Users had the option of free access to reduced versions of computer games for promotional purposes mainly, as is the case with the first delivery of Doom. Moreover, the rapid spread of the Internet as a medium of entertainment provided improved technologies for the networking of users and their approach to society.

It is also important to highlight the rise of the game that since the early 90s, are entertaining both children and adults.


In my opinion, the online games are a breakthrough because it allows people to play with people who do not know.
In addition, I think it is a form of entertainment that can help learn, and give a lot of money.
The downside that I see online games is that in some cases, violent games can create more violence, and that is not good when you play with other people.
But in general the online game, do not have to be bad.

online games -


lunes, 20 de abril de 2009

My trip to italy

my trip to italy -

This trip to Italy we did was very special because it was the last that we will do together, because the next year each will go his way, and will finish school "Escuela 2". So this trip has been so important, especially for those who carry our whole life in this school.
In addition it has also been very special because it was a different trip, the deal with the teachers was more special, was not as if they were our teachers of biology, and Castilian, was treated as an adult friend, also placed them much confidence in us.
So I guess as other people, we have enjoyed, and we cease among us and with teachers.

The location that we went to Italy:
is a country located on the Italian Peninsula in Southern Europe and on the two largest islands in the Mediterranean Sea, Sicily and Sardinia. Italy shares its northern, Alpine boundary with France, Switzerland, Austria and Slovenia. The independent states of San Marino and the Vatican City are enclaves within the Italian Peninsula, and Campione d'Italia is an Italian exclave in Switzerland.
Italy has been the home of many European cultures, such as the Etruscans and the Romans, and later was the birthplace of the university and of the Renaissance, that began in Tuscany and spread all over Europe. Italy's capital, Rome, was for centuries the center of Western civilization. Italy possessed a colonial empire from the second half of the nineteenth century to the mid-twentieth century. Today, Italy is a democratic republic and a developed country with the eighth-highest quality-of-life index rating in the world.
The itinerary of the trip was:
The first day of the trip we left, we were all day in Barcelona, until 4 am to embark on the boat, the way to Italy.
All day until 5 am the other day we were in the boat, lying on the deck sunbathing.
At 5 am the following day off at a port near Rome, and went to the hotel room we had booked, had breakfast there, and without a shower or anything until we see the Vatican and Rome.
At night, we were in Rome to 11, and boarded the bus again to go to Venice.
In the morning we arrived on the seven near Venice and we stopped to breakfast, we were all day in Venice and 5 pm, we took the bus route Florence.
When we finally get to sleep in a bed and a shower after several days without doing so.
In Florence we went to a nightclub, and return at 4 in the morning we went to bed because we were very tired.
The next day, we visited Florence, but in poor condition because they did not stop raining, then returned to the hotel, we went t to another nightclub in the city.
The next day we went to Pisa, to make pictures with the tower of Pisa, and spend the day.
After we took the bus again to Rome to board and go home.
About 8 pm we took the boat journey to Barcelona, and disembarked at the port of Barcelona, at 9pm on the way here from Italy, gave us time to have an incident with a group of Italians.
After dinner at a self-service and spent about an hour talking with rafa and ana on the trip, and we sang a very emotional song.
During this trip, the only menu that there is: Pasta, chicken and French fries.
But despite that, I was busy traveling, the trip was more special, our stay at "Escuela 2”.


lunes, 12 de enero de 2009

My travel

my travel -

The past three days of January I went to France with Adrià for skiing, we were there for 5 days.
-The first day we arrived and was what we did was approach the village of Font-Romeu (the place where he lived in France) were by the people and take the skis for rent and to inform us about things we could do there.
-The second day we woke early to rise with a tele-cabin to the tracks and ski and finally, we were up to 5, and then decided to download the hotel in the afternoon we went to a spa, which was to be the special touch in the pool outside “balneario” all surrounded by snow (an amazing experience), then returned to the hotel and rest.
-The third day we returned to do the same get up early to go up to ski and as usual until the afternoon in the mountains, then went to visit a town called Mont Louis.
-The fourth day we went back to get up early to go to the mountains, but it went bad days, it was snowing a little, once on the slopes began to increase the intensity of the snowfall, to be increasingly annoyed and finally we to leave, because several people had already had an accident, upon arrival we had to be there all afternoon and only had to go out and put the chains in the car for the next day was more rapid exit, we were playing in the apartment to board games, and the evening stopped snowing for a while and decided to leave a round, there were going to -10 º and very warm.
-The fifth and final day was the back, while we passed by Catalunya was all the snow from the night before.

"This has been; a great journey."

mont louis

William Ockham

William Ockham -

William Ockham was a Franciscan friar and English philosopher who helped mankind, with their works and thoughts.
Made a major contribution to science and modern intellectual culture is the principle of parsimony in explaining and building theories, which became known as Ockham knife, the knife of Ockham was based on the following: the reference to a kind of reasoning based on a simple premise: equal the simplest solution is probably correct.
Following the knife Ockham, the reason was a necessary foundation for people's lives, it was as if marking a law.
Their thoughts:
Occam's position taken on the topic of the relationship between reason and faith and not involve the distinction between them and the granting to each of a particular application, such as Saint Thomas had argued, but its radical distinction and independence. The reason is no longer in the service of faith and the faith needed to clarify the reason of its own dictates. Faith depends strictly on disclosure, the reason has nothing to say, has nothing to add or remove anything to clarify to the divine word. The reason for its part, being a power granted by God to man, in order for this world, has nothing to take to the faith has to resort to natural and other powers exclusively with them to acquire knowledge possible life more perfect man.


My country

my country -

My country is Spain and it is located in Europe, in this country we speak Spanish, but in many regions have their own language, like Catalunya ,Euskadi, Valencia...
The climate here is very different depending on the north or south. In the north you can find in winter temperatures from -5 degrees , and in the south temperatures between 10 and 20 degrees.
In winter you can enjoy the sport of skiing through the high mountains in the north.
The climate in summer is high, usually in the whole territory , between 20 and 40 degrees, except for some places where you can be more or less well. In summer you can enjoy in the Mediterranean beaches coast and enjoy the summer holidays.
The currency here is the Euro, the currency is not only in Spain, it’s for all Europe. Before it reached the Euro in 2000, was the peseta, which was a coin that came with the Franco regime, which is something that we will then explain the policy now
Now Spain is a democratic country with monarchy, this happened after Franco, when he died, and now our representative of the country is the king.
Now governs the PSOE, a political party of the left-center, but there are still political parties that follow the Franco regime, now very weak, and other parties seeking the republic.
The typical food here depends on the region , but in the community where I live, the most popular is the paella.

In summary:

- "It's a country that is not bad, but still lacks many things to change, especially in politics that I think is wrong, so I do not like the friends around this country, and I think things will change in future”.


lunes, 17 de noviembre de 2008

Barack Obama VS Mc Cain

Barack Obama Vs Mc Cain - Barack Obama Vs Mc Cain

The United States is currently governed by the republican Gorge bush, but this Tuesday 5th of November will be held the presidential elections.
Now politics of Gorge Bush isn’t very good, furthermore its financial system has led to the crisis at the United States and around the world, with its policy against human rights, more tan 200 Americans are judged annually, but the death penalty no matter in a country in wich anyone can buy a gun, and take the law into their account, and when will be a judgements the fault is always of a black person, because that is problem in the United States, the racism, a country that has allowed racism and religious societies that kill people every day.
By these changes, try to get things go a little better,(because the United States are the first power).
This Tuesday are the elections, and it’s of great importance not only for Americans if not for everyone.
The candidates are:
Barack Obama- A democrat that seeks to change the financial system and so be able to end with the crisis.
He tries that racism will disappear from the streets, and he will put more measures for arms sales.
And he tries to the end the war in Irak, but doesn’t want to end the death penalty.

John McCane- Wich is the other candidate, of the republican political party, in the case that McCane wins there will be no many changes: wars, racism, weapons… will continue.

“In resum, some important elections.”

El pais