lunes, 12 de enero de 2009

My country

my country -

My country is Spain and it is located in Europe, in this country we speak Spanish, but in many regions have their own language, like Catalunya ,Euskadi, Valencia...
The climate here is very different depending on the north or south. In the north you can find in winter temperatures from -5 degrees , and in the south temperatures between 10 and 20 degrees.
In winter you can enjoy the sport of skiing through the high mountains in the north.
The climate in summer is high, usually in the whole territory , between 20 and 40 degrees, except for some places where you can be more or less well. In summer you can enjoy in the Mediterranean beaches coast and enjoy the summer holidays.
The currency here is the Euro, the currency is not only in Spain, it’s for all Europe. Before it reached the Euro in 2000, was the peseta, which was a coin that came with the Franco regime, which is something that we will then explain the policy now
Now Spain is a democratic country with monarchy, this happened after Franco, when he died, and now our representative of the country is the king.
Now governs the PSOE, a political party of the left-center, but there are still political parties that follow the Franco regime, now very weak, and other parties seeking the republic.
The typical food here depends on the region , but in the community where I live, the most popular is the paella.

In summary:

- "It's a country that is not bad, but still lacks many things to change, especially in politics that I think is wrong, so I do not like the friends around this country, and I think things will change in future”.


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