domingo, 25 de noviembre de 2007

My street

This is my street. I live in the plantatio in a small town near la cañada.
Streets around me are long and wide but many are in very poor condition or are not numbered well.
The environments that surround me are a restaurant, the main street and a pharmacy.
We have a soccer field near but this neglected and only months to when summer arrives and the paty begin from here.
Also next to my house there is a small forest, but now this fence so that it can retain and do not burn.
The school is close to my house just slow 5 minutes.
in the Plantatio restaurant the two bus stops or going to la cañada subway or paterna. The subway is a problem here because they spend every 1 hour.
The plantatio is a quiet place where they usually do not have much noise but if there are some rob in this area. In my house when I was a child came to rob.
This is my street and my area where I live.



My school is escuela 2.
it isn't a very big school but we have enough place.
It is in la canyada, a village near Valencia.
there are three hundred students aproximately.
They are from three to sixteen years old.
My school is a cooperative.

study many subjets:
6-history and geofraphy.
7-fisics and chemistry.
8-valencia lenguage
10-fisical education

my favourite subjet is biology and maths, and I don't like fisical education.
I like my school because I enjoy very much and my friens are simpacetic, and teachers are very friendly.

This is the secretary.
This is the bathroom.
This is primary.
This is secondary.
This is the kitchen.
This is the garden of children.
This is the garden.
This is the library.
This is the field of basketball.
This is the football field.
This is the classroom technology.
This is the school on the backside.
This is music.
And this is all my school.

credits -->

martes, 30 de octubre de 2007


Candy apple Because the holiday comes in the wake of the annual apple harvest, candy apples (also known as toffee, taffy or caramel apples) are a common Halloween treat made by rolling whole apples in a sticky sugar syrup, and sometimes rolling them in nuts.

Meaning of pumpkin:
It is said that witches used the skulls of human casualties and adorned with candles between basins of the eyes and nose. When the pagan Irish arrived in the United States, could not carry out these practices with human skulls, so they used pumpkins

Trick or treating :
It is an activity for children in which they go from house to house dressed, asking sweet with the phrase: "trick or treating?" The trick is a threat to joke to the owners of the house, and treatment it's just that give them sweets.



sábado, 27 de octubre de 2007


The problem in Birmania comes from their own independence.
Shortly after he suffered a coup.
The country is ruled by a military regime since 1962 and are not held parliamentary elections since 1990.
Birmania is in full fight to let them make choices, but the military regime did not let them.
Birmania fight because the regime falls military, and this year has held many demonstrations, which were harshly suppressed by the government.
The dictatorship is not allowed to express their views.
But the rest of the country did nothing and who are forced to obey the government to set up there.
Dictatorship by the country was returned to the poorest because the military was left with all the money, why is a country little changed.


lunes, 27 de agosto de 2007

the shark in tarragona

the last week of I descry a shark in tarragona, apparently the shark seemed that it was had confused and single they wanted it to take to the aquarium of Barcelona to see that happened to him and to try to cure it.
during that week the shark was the attraction of the tourists and on whom already they live there, since is not very normal to see a grisse shark in the coasts of the Mediterranean.
after many days of attempts of captures, and as the shark seemed weak they tried to take it but without no success.
it makes about four days the submariners put in the water with the luck to be able to catch it but with you record injuries.the day after capturing it the shark it dies by the hooks to hammer in its mouth.



domingo, 26 de agosto de 2007


she does but of a month the British girl disappeared in Portugal, leaving only her spots of blood in the room.
the police thought at first that the parents were their assassins but they were to worng.
the parents returned to London and let everything there to return to Portugal.
To been already many months and the girl follows without appearing.
the experts assure that with as much missing time and the small thing that are that it is very difficult to find it lives simply or alive, before this possibility the parents continue living in Portugal of the donations that to them the people do and they do not lose the hope of found with life.




already for a month an earthquake of force 7,9 in the scale of richter I have been whipping Peru leaving but of thousands wounded, but of five hundred died and but of two thousand affected (by lost of houses, animals, lands…).

the government of Peru requests aid to the other governments, but all aid is enough in a country that has much poverty.

today Peru recovers favorably but the affected zones but will be almost impossible to reconstruct them since to been left everything destroyed and devastated.



sábado, 18 de agosto de 2007


The past month, many destructions began fires of the Canary Islands causing and killing many animals.
it is thought that the fire was promouthful by somebody, but now is too much behind schedule for undoing already done, and the result million burned kilometers.


The habitants become infuriated and the police does not let to them go to save its houses, many died animals, all the burned natural parks, and the Canary Islands to been charred.

jueves, 2 de agosto de 2007


Campus party is recognized like the greater event of electronic entertainment in network of the world. A made annual encounter from 1997, that reunites during seven days to thousands of participants with its computers coming from all Spain and of other nations, with the purpose of sharing restlessness, changing experiences and to make all type of activities related to the computer, the communications and the new technologies.
This event is born, in 1997, prior to the own constitution of Future the E3 Association, promoted by some of its present patronos, in the locality of Mollina, Malaga. From the event has a generalist and formativity character,reunites to the different platforms and groups from the world of computer science and summoning them to create a propitious point of contact for the change of ideas and know.


jueves, 7 de junio de 2007


A podcast is a digital media file, or a series of such files, that is distributed over the Internet using syndication feeds for playback on portable media players and personal computers. A podcast is a specific type of webcast which, like 'radio', can mean either the content itself or the method by which it is syndicated; the latter is also termed podcasting. The host or author of a podcast is often called a podcaster. The term "podcast" is a portmanteau of the name of Apple's portable music player, the iPod, and broadcast; a "pod" refers to a container of some sort, and "cast" to the idea of broadcasting.

viernes, 1 de junio de 2007


Bullying is the intentional tormenting of others through verbal harassment, physical assault, or other more subtle methods of coercion such as manipulation. There is currently no legal definition of bullying.
The effects of bullying can be serious and even fatal. About 85% of bullying victims suffer long term psychological damage and stress related disease later in their lives.
There have been many examples of people dying as a result of bullying. Victims of bullying either commit suicide or are killed by their bullies. There are also cases of death occurring as an indirect result of bullying, such as bullies or other people killed by victims of bullying.

Cyberbullying occurs in electronic space. According to Canadian educator Bill Belsey, it:
"involves the use of information and communication technologies such as e-mail, cell phone and pager text messages, instant messaging, defamatory personal Web sites, blogs, online games and defamatory online personal polling Web sites, to support deliberate, repeated, and hostile behaviour by an individual or group, that is intended to harm others".Bullies will even create blogs to intimidate victims worldwide.



The Sahara At over 9,000,000 square kilometres, it is almost as large as the United States, and is larger than the 48 contiguous states.
The climate of the Sahara has undergone enormous variation between wet and dry over the last few hundred thousand years. During the last ice age, the Sahara was bigger than it is today, extending south beyond its current boundaries.
the collapsing ice sheets to the north.
The Sahara has one of the harshest climates in the world. It has many strong winds that blow from the north-east. Sometimes on the border zones of the north and south, the desert will receive about 25 cm of rain a year. The rainfall happens very rarely, but when it does it is usually torrential when it occurs after long dry periods, which can last for years. Daytime temperatures can be 58 °C.
but freezing temperatures aren't uncommon at night, reaching as low as −6 °C


jueves, 31 de mayo de 2007

saint valentine

Saint Valentine refers to one of several martyred saints of ancient Rome. The feast of Saint Valentine was formerly celebrated on february 14 by the Roman Catholic Church until a revised calendar was issued in 1969, pursuant to the Second Vatican Council.His feast day is July 30 in the Eastern Orthodox Church.
His birth date and birthplace are unknown. Valentine's name does not occur in the earliest list of Roman martyrs, which was compiled by the Chronographer of 354.
The feast of St. Valentine was first decreed in 496 by Pope Gelasius I, who included Valentine among those (" whose names are justly reverenced among men, but whose acts are known only to God.") As Gelasius implied, nothing is known about the lives of any of these martyrs.

second life*

Second Life is a 3-D virtual world entirely built and owned by its residents. Since opening to the public in 2003, it has grown explosively and today is inhabited by a total of 6,843,184 people from around the globe.
Residents are the users of Second Life, and their appearance is their avatar.
The basic avatar is human in appearance, but avatars may be of either sex, have a wide range of physical attributes, and may be clothed or otherwise customized to produce a wide variety of humanoid and other forms.

second life

mall rats

i think it's a fantastic film because it shows an informal life that you can't see every day in tv.
the director for being the most important has a little paper in the film.
the film is abaut the live of frikies in a grand store with many adventures.
it's a very funny film and enterteining and I recomend it to everybody.

opinion of director->

Kevin: I think Mallrats is very funny. I'm on your side. It's a movie that's very dear to my heart, but it went right in the shitter. When you do a movie like Clerks, then a movie like Mallrats that goes right in the shitcan, everyone says, "Ha ha, wiseass." So rather than subject yourself to that, you steal their thunder by saying it first.
There's this infamous moment where I was on stage giving an award away with Laura Dern, and I opened up by saying, "I want to take this time to apologize for Mallrats. I don't know what I was thinking." It was said in a very tongue-in-cheek fashion; it was a joke. But some people thought it was serious. Roger Ebert, in his review of Chasing Amy, said, "He started out with a great movie called Clerks, then followed up with a movie that was so bad that he apologized for it."


domingo, 15 de abril de 2007


Different cultures have settled in the area of modern Spain, such as the Celts, Iberians, Romans, Visigoths, and Moors. For just over five centuries, during the Middle Ages, large areas were under the control of Islamic rulers, a fragment of which survived as late as 1492, when the Christian kingdoms of Castile and Aragón completed the 770 years long process of driving the Moors out.
The historical peoples of the peninsula were the Iberians and the Celts, the former inhabiting the southwest part of the peninsula and along the Mediterranean side through to the northeast, the latter inhabiting the north and northwest part of the peninsula. In the inner part of the peninsula, where both groups were in contact, a mixed, distinctive, culture was present, known as.


domingo, 25 de marzo de 2007

interchange with carcasson

the past Thursdays 8 of March came to Spain our friends from carcasson to spend a great week with us.

the truth is that this interchange is a fantastic experience since few schools you have the oportinidad to make it.

the week transcurried of this form:


we went to the school and later we went to see the exhibition of (ninot). later we went 2 hours to the oceanographic one and ate in the city of the arts and sciences, and in the evening we went by in (la cañada)


we went to the albufera that we had planned a trip in boat on the albufera but it could not be since the time I do not let it do.


we remained to all the day in the school doing factories of (la semana de)


we went to see the (mascleta) and we ate by valence, in the evening we made a great celebration of goodbye.


Thursday to 15:00 began their trip towards carcasson.

domingo, 4 de marzo de 2007


Formerly, much time would also be spent at the Casal Faller preparing the ninots for puppets or dolls¡l. During the week leading up to 19 March, each group takes its ninot out for a grand parade, and then mounts it, each on its own elaborate filled cardboard and artistic monument in a street of the given neighborhood. This whole assembly is a falla.
The ninots and their falles are developed according to an agreed upon theme that was, and continues to be a satirical jab at anything or anyone unlucky enough to draw the attention of the critical eyes of the fallers (the celebrants themselves). In modern times, the whole two week long festival has spawned a huge local industry, to the point that an entire suburban area has been designated the City of Falles. Here, crews of artists and artisans, sculptors, painters, and many others all spend months producing elaborate constructions, richly absurd paper and wax, wood and styrofoam tableaux towering up to five stories, composed of fanciful figures in outrageous poses arranged in gravity-defying architecture, each produced at the direction of the many individual neighbourhood Casals faller who vie with each to attract the best artists.


miércoles, 21 de febrero de 2007



Between 1879 and 1898 Stoker are business manager for the world-famous Lyceum Theatre in London, where he supplemented his income by writing a large number of sensational novels, his most famous being the vampire tale Dracula published on may 1897. Parts of it are set around the town of Whitby, where he was living at the time. While Dracula is famous today (due in large part to its 20th century life on film), it was not an important or famous work for Victorian readers, being just another potboiler adventure among many. Throughout the 1880s and 1890s, authors such as H. Rider Haggard, Rudyard Kipling, Robert Louis Stevenson, Arthur Conan Doyle, and H.G. Wells wrote many tales in which fantastic creatures threatened the British Empire. Invasion literature was at a peak, and Stoker's formula of an invasion of England by continental European influences was by 1897 very familiar to readers of fantastic adventure stories.


sábado, 17 de febrero de 2007

bomb at madrid aiport

On the morning of December 30, 2006, an explosion took place in the carpark building attached to Terminal 4 of Madrid Barajas International Airport in Spain.

Madrid's international airport was thrown into chaos when a powerful bomb exploded in a parking garage. There were no serious injuries.

The explosion took place in the terminal's car garage, and the interior minister has stated the parking garage was damaged (three of four stories were demolished by the explosion, 60% of the building destroyed).Responsibility for the explosion has since been claimed by an anonymous caller claiming to represent ETA.

domingo, 11 de febrero de 2007


Peter Adkison first met with Richard Garfield to discuss Garfield's new game RoboRally. Adkison was not enthusiastic about the game, as board games are expensive to produce and difficult to market. He did enjoy Garfield's ideas and mentioned that he was looking for a portable game that could be played in the downtime that frequently occurs at gaming conventions. Garfield returned later with a prototype he had been working with on and off over the last few years under the development name of Mana Clash. Adkison immediately saw the potential of the game and agreed to produce it.
Role-players were enthusiastic early fans of Magic, but the game achieved much wider popularity among strategy gamers. The commercial success of the game prompted a wave of other collectible card games to flood the market in the mid-1990s. Many of them were poorly received and failed both commercially and in popularity while others were considered equal in gameplay quality, stature, and popularity to Magic: The Gathering.
In 1996, Wizards of the Coast established the "Pro Tour", a circuit of tournaments where players can compete for a top prize of US$40,000 for a single weekend-long tournament. Sanctioned through the Duelists' Convocation International, the tournaments add an element of prestige to the game by virtue of the cash payouts and media coverage from within the community. The system is similar to those used in golf, tennis and other professional sports. The company publicizes good players who win frequently in order to create a "star" system; the stars are offered as inspirations to which other players aspire.
In 2002, an official online version of the game was released. While unofficial methods of online play existed beforehand,
Magic: The Gathering Online quickly became a success for the company thanks to its rules enforcement, feature-rich environment, and accessible nature.

XMAS in french

The celebration of Christmas in France varies by region. Most provinces celebrate Christmas on the 25th of December, which is a bank holiday. However, in eastern and northern France, the Christmas season begins on 6 December, la fête de Saint Nicolas, and in some provinces la fête des Rois* is one the most important holidays of the Christmas season. In Lyon, 8 December is la Fête de lumières, when Lyonnais pay hommage to the virgin Mary by putting candles in their windows which light up the village.

xmas in spain

In Spain it is a very festive time at Christmas. On Christmas Eve, as the stars come out, tiny oil lamps are lit in every house, and after Midnight Mass and Christmas Dinner, streets fill with dancers and onlookers. There is a special Christmas dance called the Jota and the words and music have been handed down for hundreds of years. They dance to the sound of guitars and castanets.
Children think of the Three Wise Man as the gift bearers. Tradition has it that they arrive on January 6th, the date the Wise Men gave gifts to Jesus.

The Spanish especially honor the cow at Christmas because it is thought that when Mary gave birth to Jesus the cow in the stable breathed on the Baby Jesus to keep him warm.

bush visit estonia

The President's visit to Estonia and Latvia will underscore the importance of the Alliance in fostering a Europe whole and free by highlighting new Allies that have successfully transitioned to free-market democracies, contribute to the War on Terror, and offer lessons learned and expertise to others pursuing liberty. In Riga, Latvia, the President will discuss with NATO leaders how to improve Alliance capabilities to ensure it can meet the challenges of the 21st century. This trip, the President's first visit to Estonia and his second visit to Latvia, is part of a series of Presidential trips to Europe which underscore the common commitment of the United States and our European allies to work together to advance democracy, security, and prosperity in Europe, its neighborhood, and beyond.

sábado, 10 de febrero de 2007

greenhouse effect

The greenhouse effect is the rise in temperature that the Earth experiences because certain gases in the atmosphere (water vapor, carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, and methane, for example) trap energy from the sun. Without these gases, heat would escape back into space and Earth’s average temperature would be about 60ºF colder. Because of how they warm our world, these gases are referred to as greenhouse gases.

A tropical cyclone is a warm storm system fueled by thunderstorms near its center. It feeds on the heat released when moist air rises and the water vapor in it condenses. The term describes the storm's origin in the tropics and its cyclonic nature, which means that its circulation is in the Northern Hemisphere and clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere. Tropical cyclones are distinguished from other cyclonic windstorms such as nor'easters, European windstorms, and polar lows by the heat mechanism that fuels them, which makes them "warm core" storm systems. Depending on their location and strength, there are various terms by which tropical cyclones are known, such as hurricane.

martes, 23 de enero de 2007

greenhouse effect

the greenhouse effect is the rise in temperature that the Earth experiences because certain gases in the atmosphere (water vapor, carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, and methane, for example) trap energy from the sun. Without these gases, heat would escape back into space and Earth’s average temperature would be about 60ºF colder. Because of how they warm our world, these gases are referred to as greenhouse effect

The greenhouse effect is important. Without the greenhouse effect, the Earth would not be warm enough for humans to live. But if the greenhouse effect becomes stronger, it could make the Earth warmer than usual. Even a little extra warming may cause problems for humans, plants, and animals.