lunes, 27 de agosto de 2007

the shark in tarragona

the last week of I descry a shark in tarragona, apparently the shark seemed that it was had confused and single they wanted it to take to the aquarium of Barcelona to see that happened to him and to try to cure it.
during that week the shark was the attraction of the tourists and on whom already they live there, since is not very normal to see a grisse shark in the coasts of the Mediterranean.
after many days of attempts of captures, and as the shark seemed weak they tried to take it but without no success.
it makes about four days the submariners put in the water with the luck to be able to catch it but with you record injuries.the day after capturing it the shark it dies by the hooks to hammer in its mouth.



domingo, 26 de agosto de 2007


she does but of a month the British girl disappeared in Portugal, leaving only her spots of blood in the room.
the police thought at first that the parents were their assassins but they were to worng.
the parents returned to London and let everything there to return to Portugal.
To been already many months and the girl follows without appearing.
the experts assure that with as much missing time and the small thing that are that it is very difficult to find it lives simply or alive, before this possibility the parents continue living in Portugal of the donations that to them the people do and they do not lose the hope of found with life.




already for a month an earthquake of force 7,9 in the scale of richter I have been whipping Peru leaving but of thousands wounded, but of five hundred died and but of two thousand affected (by lost of houses, animals, lands…).

the government of Peru requests aid to the other governments, but all aid is enough in a country that has much poverty.

today Peru recovers favorably but the affected zones but will be almost impossible to reconstruct them since to been left everything destroyed and devastated.



sábado, 18 de agosto de 2007


The past month, many destructions began fires of the Canary Islands causing and killing many animals.
it is thought that the fire was promouthful by somebody, but now is too much behind schedule for undoing already done, and the result million burned kilometers.


The habitants become infuriated and the police does not let to them go to save its houses, many died animals, all the burned natural parks, and the Canary Islands to been charred.

jueves, 2 de agosto de 2007


Campus party is recognized like the greater event of electronic entertainment in network of the world. A made annual encounter from 1997, that reunites during seven days to thousands of participants with its computers coming from all Spain and of other nations, with the purpose of sharing restlessness, changing experiences and to make all type of activities related to the computer, the communications and the new technologies.
This event is born, in 1997, prior to the own constitution of Future the E3 Association, promoted by some of its present patronos, in the locality of Mollina, Malaga. From the event has a generalist and formativity character,reunites to the different platforms and groups from the world of computer science and summoning them to create a propitious point of contact for the change of ideas and know.